About Us/Goals

For years I have been exploring beaches all over the Puget Sound in Washington State and other remote beaches around the world for flawless tumbled sea glass.  

My goal for my non-profit business is to support the communities where the sea glass is found. There are many organizations that need support and this is one way to give back to the communities while sharing the beauty that surrounds them. 




My desire for collecting sea glass grew from my childhood memories of combing beaches with my family along the Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean. These fun and adventurous memories led me to share my joy of sea glass hunting with my family and friends. Discovering all sorts of treasures while hiking remote beaches has been a joy passed down from generation to generation.

My passion for arts and crafts has allowed my artistic imagination to create all types of sea glass art. Each sea glass artist has their own unique style which is evident in the artwork they produce. My dream is to continue to grow as an artist while creating pieces of art that show the beauty of sea glass. 

Our Customers

This website is for our sea glass enthusiasts who have the passion for art and giving back to communities.